Pole Passion are proud to announce the following judges for Miss Pole Dance UK Amateur Semi Pro Championships 2023
Heidi Hildersley-Lyle - Judge

Heidi Hildersley Lyle
Scottish Champion
Miss Pole Dance Uk 2020
World Pole Dance Senior Champion 2018
With over a decade of participation in the Pole Sports Industry, Heidi Hildersley is a professional Pole Athlete with a wealth of experience from the classroom to the stage.
Heidi is the owner of HHL Pole & Fitness studio in Hamilton, Scotland. Follow heidi on socials to check out her classes
Heidi’s studio opened in Feb 2020 and since then her feet have barely touched the ground. Heidi’s main focus is promoting pole as a form of fitness. You can book Heidi to come to your studio if you would like to take part in her workshops.
Heidi’s students are confident in the knowledge that they are being taught by a professional tutor in a safe, fun filled environment where they can begin and advance on their own fitness journeys.
As a performer and Competitor, Heidi’s Exciting and High-Octane routines are filled with the daring spins, flips and tricks which is continuously learning and training for to ensure she stays ahead of the curve.
Pole is a true Devotion for Heidi who always pushes herself to reach for the stars and climb to the highest ranks in her field achieving many accolades.