General help & Information
Pole Specifications
Amateur Semi Pro Championships
One static 45 mm diameter pole: 3 metres in height
One spinning 45 mm diameter pole: 3 metres in height
2 x Floor to ceiling, fixed stainless steel competition poles
Where poles are higher than 3 metres you will only be allowed to use up to 3meters.
From an Audience view the spinning pole will be on the left hand side of the stage and the static on the right hand side
Poles Will be approximately 2 meters apart
Stage Dimensions- The stage is approximately 4 meters wide and 4 meters in depth

Where to Stay ?
There are a number of hotels and B&B’s in Manchester for your convenience:
coming soon...
Where to eat?
Chaperone Duties
An important role for each competitor or performer during any Pole Competition.
Chaperone Duties and responsibilities
Over the years this important role has been somewhat under estimated. But without the valuable support of these important people, many of the competitors would not be where they are today
Who makes a good chaperone?
This obviously depend on the competitor of course, as not each person requires the same support as each other
Examples of a good chaperones would be:-
Your training partner
Your coach
Your instructor
Your mentor
Your partner
Someone who knows you really well
Your best friend
What are the main roles of a competitor chaperone & why have a chaperone to support each competitor?
Again these roles vary from competitor to competitor but the duties below may be considered
· To help with competitor and music registrations
· To look after the competitors belongs during training and the competition itself
· Help with costumes, makeup and hair
· Support in travel to and from the venues
· Support during rehearsals and stage preparations
· Support for physical massage and sports therapy which may include stretching and injury prevention
· Mental support in maintaining peak performance
· To give valuable feedback during training and competition warm ups and presentations
· To be the professional voice between the competitor and organisers
· To look after and collect any props after the show
· To help with pole preparation and cleaning
· To help maintain their hydration and nutrition levels
What are the down sides of being a competitor chaperone?
You will be the first person, usually, that a competitor may ‘stress to’ should such a situation arise. It is important that you do not take the comments literally and personally as emotions are heightened during competition times
Always have a supportive, positive and encouraging manner, no matter how stressful the situation may appear at that time.
Quite often your duties require you to be back stage during the completion as your competitor may wish to have you back stage with them for moral support, which may mean you either miss the show or have very limited viewing. You don’t get to see the other performers and competitors as your number one focus is your competitor
What are the advantages of being a chaperone?
Apart from the obvious one of supporting a dear friend and being a part of their success there is that sense of accomplishment and of course contribution.
You also get to be alongside the great pole champions, where otherwise you may not have the opportunity.
Miss Pole Dance UK | World Pole Dance| Mr Pole Fitness UK – Promoting the ambitious and talented
TOP Tips for Competing
If you are struggling badly with nerves before a competition then reading the below may help then planning and preparation is key.
So many times we hear 'Oh I have no idea what to wear , or my music isn't working for me/the edit is too shortmusic ... two days before a competition !!
1. SMILE as if you are enjoying your performance - if your 'story' or indeed costume ! doesn't warrant a smile then please add one in at the end of your performance - when you bow and say your 'thank you for watching'
So many performers and competitors show their nerves and not their passion for dance and the pole
2. POSTURE & ALIGNMENT This one you will know !!
But please if this is a problem of yours say it over and over again in your head during your performance
'POINT YOUR TOES Extend your limbs' including concentrate on your fingers too!!
3. MUSIC - Feel your music from within
It certainly shows if you don't - if in any doubt don't use it, It's not the right choice if you have doubts - and never let someone else pick your music (its ok that they help and advise, but ultimately its your choice)
4. CLOTHING - Costumes costumes costumes ! Yes it takes time, effort AND money
An important part of competition preparation
Understand and read the rules then go for maximum effect possible according to each competition criteria
EVERY point counts these days
Find out about the stage and stage backing
MPD UK is all about the performance and costumes too - GO WILD!! AND TELL YOUR STORY!!
5. ROUTINE- Good routines are made up of many different elements
It's not just about tricks tricks tricks
You are better off doing intermediate tricks exceptionally well than advance tricks poorly!
6. FLEXIBILITY & STRETCH Focus on your flexibility - This is such an important part of modern pole routines
This means correct preparation warm ups and cool downs, not only on the day of the completion but the weeks before and weeks after!
Refer to no. 2
You should be allowing at least 30 minutes preparation stretch before its your turn on the poles (many of the champions will be warming and stretching for 2 hours prior!!)
7. EMOTION & EYE CONTACT - Engage with your audience and judges
This is simple and can be done with eye contact, facial expressions and hands reaching towards them pulling them back into your body and your performance and emotion
An excellent performance not only leaves the performer breathless but the judges AND audience
Give all the power and energy you have got
9. ATTENTION TO DETAIL - It's the little details that matter too
Practice and get someone truthful to critique your performance - get them to find 10 things for you to improve on !
10. TRANSITIONS - Transitions in, out, around, up, down and from pole to pole
Just as important as your tricks !
11. MINDSET - Have fun and look at it as a performance not a competition
Most importantly remember the qualities of an excellent performer are very different to that of an excellent instructor or student
The skills and mindset are very different, MEDITATION AND VISUALISATION ARE EXCELLENT preparation skills for a champion :)
Enjoy yourself,Meet new people,Be safe,Train Safe...remember every challenge is a growth step forward.
Thank you for joining us at Miss Pole Dance UK Amateur & Semi Pro Championships
Good Luck
Kay Penney
Owner, Founder & Operator of MPDUK